Thursday, November 5, 2009

Saying Retzeh after Nightfall

Rebecca Schenker asks:

If Shabbat ends before you bentch for "shalosh sedudot" is one still supposed to insert retzeh and ha-rachaman for Shabbat?

According to the Sefer Shemirat Shabbat ke-Hilchatah (chapter 57 paragraph 12), one should say retzeh even after Shabbat is over, unless one has said havdalah or davened ma'ariv during the meal. However, if one forgets retzeh after nightfall, one should not go back and repeat bentching, like one would be obligated to do on Shabbat. (Ha-rachaman is less chamor - missing it would not trigger an obligation to repeat bentching even on Shabbat itself). If one said "baruch ha-Mavdil bein kodesh le-chol" during the third meal, however, it is a machloket whether one should say retzeh.

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