Monday, April 14, 2014

Alphabetical Haggadah Challenge (for younger children)

א We aren’t supposed to eat anything else after we eat this.  (Do you know what this thing represents?)
ב We make this bracha four times during the course of the Seder: בא"ה אמ"ה ___________________
ג We say this bracha right before we say the bracha on the second כוס.  This theme is the main theme of Pesach.
ד What are the three groups of initials (סימנים) of the מכות?
ה These words/this song begins מגיד.  We indicate that the matzo is לחם עוני, and we invite anyone who is hungry to come and join us.  (This paragraph is in Aramaic, rather than Hebrew.  Why do you think that is?)
ו In which part of the Seder do we wash our hands without making a bracha?
ז This is one of the items on the Seder plate.  What is it supposed to remind us of?
ח We end the Seder singing ____________; it is an analogy to B’nei Yisrael.
ט ________  ר' was one of the 5 rabbis that sat, discussing יציאת מצרים all night long.
י Which matza are we supposed to use for כורך?
כ This is one of the two items that we ‘dip’ at the Seder.
ל Par’oh only decreed to destroy the males, but this man wanted to destroy everyone.
מ We discuss 4 differences between the Seder night and other times by asking this question:
נ The second time we do this at the Seder, we do it with a bracha.
ס The essence of the Seder is the fulfillment of which mitzvah?
ע The telling of the story begins with which idea?
פ This is the first of 3 items which are key components of the Seder.  According to Rabban Gamliel, if we don’t discuss these three things, we haven’t fulfilled our obligation.
צ We are supposed to make sure to get up to this part of the Seder before חצות.
ק Five rabbis, including Rabbi Akiva, were discussing יציאת מצרים all night long, until their students told them it was time for what?
ר This is one of the four sons; the one that excludes himself from the community.
ש We drink the wine and eat the matza at the Seder leaning to which side?
ת Which of the 4 sons asks, "מה זאת?"

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