Friday, April 11, 2014

Alphabetical Parsha Challenge: פרשת אחרי מות

א The ‘time stamp’ on the beginning of this parsha is when?
ב What are the clothes that the כהן גדול wears when he enters the קדש הקדשים made from?
ג What does the כהן גדול do to determine which שעיר was for each purpose?
ד In this parsha we are told about the prohibition to eat what?
ה What does the כהן גדול do with the blood of the פר החטאת and of the שעיר החטאת?
ו We are told to keep Hashem’s חוקים and משפטים, “________  ________”
ז Hashem does not want בנ"י bringing ________ outside of the אהל מועד.
ח The שעיר that is chosen לה' is offered as a:
ט An animal that died on its own is called a נבלה; an animal that was killed by another animal is called a ________.
י The whole beginning of this parsha is about the procedure of which day?
כ The things that the כהן גדול does on יום כפור are in order to get ________ for בנ"י.
ל Towards the end of the parsha we are given a whole list of relatives about whom we are told, “________  ________  ________”
מ To where does Aharon HaKohen send the שעיר that was left alive?
נ Regarding יום הכפורים we are told, "ועניתם את __________"
ס What does Aharon HaKohen do to the live שעיר before he sends it away?
ע One of the שעירים was for:
פ Where does Aharon HaKohen present the שעירים before Hashem as he chooses which שעיר is for each purpose?
צ Someone who ______________  must pour out the blood and cover it with dirt.
ק What special offering did the כהן גדול bring in the קדש הקדשים?
ר What does the כהן גדול do each time he changes his clothing that day?
ש Yom HaKippurim is called:
ת The end of the parsha lists a number of things which the previous inhabitants of א"י did.  All these are ________ and we are not allowed to do them.

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