Monday, April 14, 2014

Alphabetical Haggadah Challenge

א What is the answer that we give to the חכם?
ב Which phrase expresses the idea that we have to imagine ourselves as if we were also taken out of Egypt?
ג With which phrase did Hashem tell אברם about שעיבוד מצרים?
ד We praise Hashem for doing so many great things for us.  After each one, we say !________, and yet Hashem continued to do even more!
ה What did the students of ר' אליעזר, ר' יהושע, ר' אלעזר בק עזריה, ר' עקיבא, & ר' טרפון come and tell them when these rabbis were discussing יציאת מצרים all night?
ו With which phrase did Hashem tell אברם that He would punish the Mitzrim for enslaving B’nei Yisrael?
ז We do כורך as _______  _______  _______
ח According to ר' יוסי הגלילי, how many plagues struck the Mitzrim at the sea?  (How does he arrive at this calculation?)
ט In one of the songs that we sing, these beings praise Hashem, saying, "...לך ה' הממלכה"
י In another of the songs that we sing, we praise Hashem by praising some of His qualities, with the hope and wish that, ________  ________  ________.
כ With these words at the start of מגיד, we invite any Jew who is hungry and needy, to come and join with us at our Seder.
ל Which 8 words in a row begin with this letter?  (It is expressing our obligation to thank Hashem for taking us out of slavery).
מ According to the second opinion in the Mishnah, the obligation of ספור יציאת מצרים starting from גנאי and ending with שבח means that we should start the story from where?
נ We say, “If Hashem had fed us the מן, but would not have ______________________________, it would have been sufficient for us…”
ס Although it isn’t technically part of the Seder, in חוץ לארץ we do this during נרצה on the second night.
ע This is the beginning of the answer, of why we do so many things differently on the Seder night.
פ During the time of the Beit HaMikdash, our ancestors ate this in commemoration of the fact that Hashem skipped over the houses of the Jews in Mitzrayim.
צ These words introduce the segment where we talk about the fact that Lavan wanted to destroy Yaakov Avinu.
ק We say in the Haggadah that at the beginning our ancestors worshipped idols, but now, _________  _________  _________.       
ר There is a discussion in מגיד as to whether the mitzvah of ספור יציאת מצרים begins from this day.  It is determined though, that it does not.
ש We mention the fact that we came down to Mitzrayim with only ___________________, but then Hashem made us as numerous as the stars.
ת We sing about the fact that this came and drank the water.  (The answer is in Aramaic.)  Why do we sing this song at the Seder?

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