Friday, January 3, 2014

Alphabetical Parsha Challenge: פרשת בא

א What type/degree of darkness was brought on מצרים?   “_______ חשך
ב At what time did מכת בכורות occur?
ג What did the Mitzrim think of Moshe?  "והאיש משה ______  ______"
ד What did B’nei Yisrael put on the משקוף and שתי המזוזת?
ה What did Hashem do to Par’oh in order to show everyone how powerful Hashem is? 
ו What phrase shows the distinction between B’nei Yisrael and the Mitzrim when מכת בכורות caused a great cry (צעקה גדולה) to ring out in Mitzrayim?
ז Moshe describes ארץ כנען  as an ארץ ______  ______  ______.
ח How did Par’oh admit his guilt to Moshe during the plague of ארבה?
ט One of the מצוות we do to remember יציאת מצרים is wearing an אות on our hand and as ______ between our eyes.
י To where did Hashem remove the ארבה?
כ What were the Jews supposed to ask for from the Mitzrim?
ל What was the compromise that Par’oh offered Moshe right before מכת ארבה?
מ With what were B’nei Yisrael supposed to eat the שה during פסח מצרים?
נ The lamb may not be eaten ______ or boiled, but rather צלי אש (roasted).
ס When B’nei Yisrael left Mitzrayim, they traveled from רעמסס to:
ע Who else, other than Moshe and Aharon, tried to convince Par’oh to let B’nei Yisrael go?
פ What did Hashem do when he saw blood on a doorpost?
צ After מכת חשך, Par’oh was willing to let B’nei Yisrael out to worship Hashem, except for:
ק What did Par’oh say to Moshe and Aharon when he called them during the night of מכת בכורות?
ר What brought the ארבה?
ש What was each family group supposed to take (on the 10th of ניסן)?
ת During מכת חשך Par’oh told Moshe, “Never see my face again!  Because on the day that you see my face, _______!”

Parsha Thoughts:
1) What was the purpose of all the rules and specifications regarding the lamb that B’nei Yisrael were commanded to eat in Mitzrayim right before they were taken out?
            A. What were some of the rules Hashem gave regarding what B’nei Yisrael had to do with the          lamb they took to eat in Mitzrayim?
            B. What was one of the gods which the Mitzrim worshipped?
            C. How do you think it made the Mitzrim feel to see B’nei Yisrael doing this to their god?
            D. How do you think it made B’nei Yisrael feel to do this to the god of the Mitzrim?
            E. How did each rule and specification contribute to the total effect?
2) Which came first: the מצה or the מצוה?
            A. Why do we eat מצה on Pesach?
            B. What were B’nei Yisrael commanded to eat with the lamb right before they left Mitzrayim?
            C. Why do you think B’nei Yisrael had to eat this?

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