Sunday, May 16, 2010

Post Yom Yerushalayim reading recommendations

With Yom Yerushalayim just behind us, and a long Yom Tov break ahead of us, I want to suggest two of my favorite Yerushalayim books. One is Forever My Jerusalem by Puah Shteiner, who was a young child during the fall of the Old City in 1948. It vividly describes Jewish life in the Old City before the 1948 war as well as the agony of the evacuation of all the Jews from the Old City. It's sad in parts, but as we celebrated last Wednesday, we know there's a happy ending to the story. The other book is O Jerusalem, by Larry Collins and Dominique LaPierre, which is non-fiction but reads like a thriller, with vivid writing and sharp, memorable portrayals of both major and minor players during the War of Independence. I read that about 15 years ago but I still remember many of the scenes. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Sarah Gordon said...

I wanted to second Mrs. Schapiro's recommendation of "O Jerusalem" - it is one of my favorite books (It's just the right length for either a 3-day Yom Tov, or a 10 hour flight to Israel)! Another similar and also excellent book is "Exodus" by Leon Uris, which tells the similar story of what was happening around 1948 but through fiction ("O Jerusalem" is based on actual first hand accounts of what happened).