Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ma'ayanot Did a Mitzvah

Just in time for our blood drive last week, the Jerusalem Post published this article by Rabbi Shlomo Brody about donating blood and bone marrow.  This is an interesting halachik issue that we address in our junior Gemara class; we saw many of the sources that he cites inside. For those not inclined to read the whole thing (though I recommend it), here's a key paragraph:
While bone marrow naturally regenerates, donors do undergo general anesthesia and get hospitalized for a couple of days. While Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch does not obligate donation, even as he deems it extremely meritorious (Teshuvot Vehanhagot 5:387), Rabbi Shlomo Auerbach believes that a potential donor should be cajoled into donating, especially if he does not fear the surgery (Nishmat Avraham EH 80). Yet rabbis Mordechai Willig and J. David Bleich obligate one to donate since the dangers represent common and minimal risks regularly performed for less pressing needs.
 He says that he will address kidney and liver transplants, as well as the question of commercializing (buying and selling) organs in his next column.  We'll keep you posted.

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