Friday, January 31, 2014

Alphabetical Parsha Challenge – פרשת תרומה

א From which of the כלי המשכן were the poles never to be removed?
ב What were inserted into the כלים in order to carry them?
ג Along with a כפתור (bulb) and a פרח (flower), these were in each branch of the Menorah:
ד With these words, Hashem tells Moshe to ask B’nei Yisrael for donations:
ה Hashem tells Moshe to construct the Mishkan in the fashion “______  ______  אשר
ו The pasuk in which Hashem says that He will dwell among B’nei Yisrael is:
ז What did the ארון and the שלחן each have around it?
ח Hashem asked for donations of stones/gems for what?
ט There were two of these on each of two sides of the ארון.
י These covered the Mishkan:
כ What was on top of the ארון?
ל What should be placed on the שלחן?
מ What term is used to express the unique artistry of the פרוכת?
נ What was the מזבח covered with?
ס What is the phrase which describes what the wings of the כרובים were doing?
ע The walls of the Mishkan and many of the כלים were made from:
פ What separated between the קדש and קדש הקדשים?
צ On what side of the Mishkan was the שלחן placed?
ק What were on the corners of the מזבח?
ר What shape was the מזבח?
ש One of the donations that was needed for the Mishkan was:
ת This was one of the dyes that was needed for the Mishkan:

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