Friday, December 27, 2013

Alphabetical Parsha Challenge – פרשת וארא

א When the חרטמים could not replicate מכת כנים they said, “!______  ______  ______”
ב Which is the last plague that is mentioned in this parsha?
ג This area was set apart and did not suffer from ערוב.
ד Moshe refused Par’oh’s permission to worship Hashem in Mitzrayim and said B’nei Yisrael needed to go where?
ה Who were able to save their servants and cattle from the ברד?
ו What are the four לשונות of גאולה?
ז During מכת ערוב, Par’oh called for Moshe and Aharon and said, “!______  ______  ______  לכו
ח After the plague of ברד, Par’oh admitted guilt when he said, “!______  ______”
ט Although Par'oh admitted his guilt when he asked Moshe to ask Hashem to stop the ברד , Moshe tells Par’oh that Par’oh’s feelings aren’t yet genuine – "כי ______  ______  ______  ______  ______"
י Who was Moshe’s mother?
כ The plague of ברד was supposed to teach Par’oh what about Hashem?
ל What phrase expresses the uniqueness of this ברד from any other ברד that had ever happened in Mitzrayim?
מ What object was used to start many of the מכות?
נ Who was Aharon’s brother-in-law?
ס Hashem says He will take B’nei Yisrael out "מתחת  ______  ______"
ע Moshe said “Par’oh won’t listen to me because I am ______  ______!”
פ What did Moshe throw up to the sky which brought the plague of שחין? ______  ______
צ About what is it said, "ותכס את ארץ מצרים"?
ק What came along with the ברד?
ר One of three brothers whose descendants are listed in this parsha:
ש Where did Moshe have to meet Par’oh to warn him about the plague of דם?
ת The sign that Aharon did in front of Par’oh involved a ______

Parsha Thought:  A) This parsha contains a miracle which is very similar to a miracle performed in the previous parsha.  What is it?
                           B) What is a key difference between the two descriptions (hint: in terms of the animal mentioned)?
                          C) Can you think of a reason why there is this difference?

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