Monday, February 20, 2012

Why-aanot's Greatest Hits - Choosing a College

On Friday I stumbled into a conversation among a group of Sophomores in the hallway about choosing a college.  Setting aside the peripheral issues with this story (Doesn't anyone go to class?  Why are you worrying about this in 10th grade?), it of course reminded me of some of the glory days of this modest blog, which I'll now re-post for this new generation of Maayanoters.  Enjoy:

It started with a long post by Mrs. Knoll about the advantages and disadvantages of  Stern as compared to other college campuses.  Mrs. Sinensky followed up with a response.  Then the students started getting involved.  Jennifer Herskowitz made a passionate defense of her decision to apply to Stern, but then Rachel Friedman immediately responded to all of the Stern love, playing devil's advocate (I would be fascinated to hear, now that they are both where they thought they would be, if they would amend any of their comments.  Interested in a follow up).  Ms. Appel (who chose to go to Penn) and Ms. Wolf (who switched from Stern to Barnard) added their unique perspectives. I then piped in as "the only one in the discussion who couldn't have gotten into Stern,"  and promptly brought an end to the conversation.  Hope you find the discussion helpful even if it ultimately complicates your decision making process.  Good luck (and enjoy the vacation).

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