Friday, October 7, 2011

Divrei Chizuk from Tali Spier

Yesterday, Thursday October 6th, I had an extremely unique experience while davening Mincha. I chose to stand near the wall in my classroom to daven shmonah esreh and as I began to daven, I noticed something that transformed my shmonah esreh and led to me to really think about the next few days coming ahead of us. I was standing right next to the clock on the wall, and if you stand close enough, the ticking on those Staples clocks are extremely loud. When I say loud, I mean that every single time a second passes, you are starkly reminded of the fact that another second has passed.
Davening shmonah esreh next to this clock was eye opening. Here I was, on erev erev yom kippur, starting to say shmonah esreh like I would every other day. I had the intent of trying to add a little more kavanah because it’s the aseret yemei teshuva and trying to look out for the 5 things that I needed to add, but overall it would be the same.

And then I noticed the clock, after all it was beating harshly in my head; there was no way I could ignore it.
Tic toc. Tic toc. Tic toc. Tic toc. 

TIC  Hashiveinu avinu letoratecha TOC.
TIC Bring us back, our Father, to Your Torah TOC.

TIC Slach lanu avinu ki chatanu TOC.
TIC Forgive us, our Father, for we have sinned TOC.

TIC Re’ah nah beanyeinu TOC.
TIC Behold our affliction, take up our grievance TOC.

TIC vegoaleinu mehira lemaan shemecha TOC.
TIC Redeem us speedily for your name’s sake TOC.

TIC Refaeinu Hashem veneirafe TOC.
TIC Heal us, Hashem- then we will be healed TOC.

TIC Barech aleinu Hashem Elokeinu TOC.
TIC Bless on our behalf- O Hashem, our G-d TOC.

TIC Teka beshofar gadol lecheiruteinu TOC.
TIC Sound the great shofar for our freedom TOC.

TIC Viliyerushalayim ircha berachamim tashuv TOC.
TIC To Jerusalem, Your city, may You return in compassion TOC.

TIC Shema Koleinu Hashem Elokeinu TOC.
TIC Hear our voice, Hashem our G-d TOC.

Tic toc. Tic toc. Tic toc. Tic toc.  YOM KIPPUR IS COMING- how are we spending these precious moments leading up to the Yom Hadin?
Time is passing, are we preparing?
Time is running out and its time for us to take action.
It is time for us to beg out to Hashem.
Time is passing.
Hashem, bring us back, allow us to do teshuva.
Hashem, forgive us because we know that we have sinned.
Hashem, please bring mashiach; we need redemption.
Hashem, bring us back to Yerushalayim.
Hashem, heal all those who are sick.
Hashem, bless us with a good and sweet new year.
Hashem, please hear our begging.
We are reliant on You and we need YOUR help.

Let's all use our TIME wisely so that Mashiach can really come this year! 

May this Yom Kippur be meaningful for all of us and may Hashem fully forgive us all.
May all of our tefilos be answered l’tova.

Gmar Chasima Tova,
Tali Spier 


Anonymous said...

I also have trouble concentrating when i need to, so i will defiantly try this trick to help me. Thanks for the tip, hopefully I will be able to be more focused when davening and there for have more kavana.

rayzel yaish said...

wow that was incredibly powerful. thanks tali- rayzel yaish