Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Rabbi and a Senator Walk Into an Auditorium...

Here is a video of a public conversation between Senator (and once Vice -Presidential candidate) Joseph Leiberman (I, Conn.) and Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik partially about the Senator's new book about שבת, but also covering many aspects of Mr. Leiberman's unique and fascinating career as the most prominent observant Jewish American politician ever.

I was at the event and it was terrific; really interesting stuff about balancing his duties as a public servant and as a private eved Hashem.  Of note to us in light of our recent "Turn it Off Tuesday", he said that the the most difficult moment he has each week is turning off his Blackberry before Shabbat (appently RIGHT before Shabbat), and being forced to acknowledge that for all of his prominence and the important role that he plays in the world, that world can survive without him for 25 hours.  He also said that the next moment was his best of the week, as he would feel all of the stresses and difficulties of the week melt away with this one action of turning off his phone.  Rabbi Soloveichik was a little more aggressive with his questioning than I would have guessed, and it made for a truly enlightening and entertaining hour.  You should watch the whole thing.

It was particularly enjoyable to see so many Maayanot alumni who made the trip up from Stern to participate in the program.

I also got to participate in a reception before the program - here's a picture.

This was the first in a series of conversations Rabbi Soloveichik will be doing.  The second one is taking place tomorrow morning (10:00am, I have a conflict) at YU where he will be interviewing Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of England.  Promises to be great and I'll post it BN if it gets to YouTube so stay tuned.

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