Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tefilla Contest - Yael Herzog

Here is the submission of last month's 3rd place winner - Yael Herzog. The first two winning entries can be found here and here. They are all responding to "מודים אנחנו לך... על ניסך שבכל עמנו". Remember to work on your responses to this months passage - "קרוב ד' לכל קוראיו, לכל אשר יקראוהו באמת" - due on March 2.


The room was dark,
No light shined through
But the souls of those that stood.
They stood there still
And were not to move
For moving, not they could.
They had but one task
So tormenting, so tough,
was to travel through that door.
One tried to sit
And scootch himself,
but burned against the floor.
One lied on back
And tried to squirm
But found himself too weak.
One crouched on down
But moved not an inch,
for he did not know how to leap.
One day far off,
A lonely soul
At once began to talk.
“I did it!” he said,
and took a step.
He discovered how to walk!

What if walking didn’t come so easily? Do you think each taken step would carry a greater load of gratitude?

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