Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Re: Pants/Amusement Park/Bathing suit

While I can't answer this question from a halachic standpoint, as I do not know the different opinions off-hand, I want to take this opportunity to suggest an opinion that simply has to do with tznius hashkafically.

I feel that the laws of tznius are not just about following the technicalities (is my skirt below my knee, is my shirt to my elbows, or whatever it is, am I wearing a skirt to play basketball, etc). I think that in no small way, the laws of tznius are geared towards helping us as Jews develop an outlook and personality of modesty.

Yes there are hard and fast halachos that we are supposed to follow as best as we can-- and I don't mean to minimize those issues, nor the approach of looking at tznius in only that way. But I do also think it's important not to lose sight of the forest for the trees, and to remember the bigger picture.

That being said, if I may offer my personal opinion, even if it would be technically ok (again, I am not familiar with the halachos so I'm NOT saying that it is ok!) to wear a bathing suit in an amusement park where there are only non-Jewish males (also: while it may technically be ok to appear immodest in front of non-Jewish males) I'm not sure that a decision like that exemplifies the spirit of the laws of modesty.

I do recognize that my statement is perhaps indicative of behavior that is "just" a sensitivity or perhaps a chumra (I don't know the topic well enough to know if that is the case), but I still feel that there is something to be said for giving credence to the spirit of the law.

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