Sunday, March 6, 2011

An Post from Talia Stern

     I feel that I have the privilege--and responsibility--to share with you something touching and inspirational.
Five months ago, one of our shul member, Taly Cohen, died at the age of 36 from a long battle with cancer, and left behind a husband and two young sons, ages 10 and 8. She was known for her wonderful middot and her infectious love of life. I had Taly’s younger son as a camper five years ago, and she was always careful to thank me each time she saw me. She was a truly beautiful person-both inside and out-and she is sorely missed by all. 
This morning, I attended a Hatchalat Sefer Torah for a Sefer Torah that is being written in Taly’s memory. Our community, along with Taly’s friends and family, is contributing to writing a new Sefer Torah that is to be completed by her first yartzhiet in October. The program this morning was the beginning of the process of writing the Sefer Torah, during which rabbis, friends, Taly’s father and brother, and the sofer himself gave Divrei Torah and spoke wonderfully about Taly. It was simultaneously extremely difficult and incredibly uplifting. 
For me, the most moving part of the program was toward the very end. The sofer invited Taly’s husband and sons up to help him write the first pasuk of the Sefer Torah, “Bereishit Bara Elokim Et HaShamayim V’et HaAretz”, “In the beginning Hashem created the Heaven and the Earth.” Together, Taly’s family and the sofer etched out the few first words that will soon become a full Sefer Torah, which we will so much treasure. 
The image of the small hands of Taly’s young sons, along with their father’s, wrapped around the sofer’s hand and quill was one I will not soon forget. There was not a dry eye as the sofer lead us in “Etz Chayim Hi”, the traditional tefillah said as a Torah is being placed back into the Aron. Together, the entire room sang out to G-d as a new beginning-both literally and figuratively-was created.
Taly, in her short life, has left an astounding legacy. She has two beautiful sons that will, please G-d, grow up and continue to live the life she had taught them to live. She has family and friends who have been touched by her life and will forever live L’illuy Nishmata. And now, G-d willing, this Sefer Torah will be written, and used for generations to come. 
Thank You, G-d, for making me a part of the Jewish community that values life, and the perpetuation of values and legacy.

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