Friday, February 12, 2010

Tashlumin for the Policy on Makeups

An anonymous freshman asks:

during vacation, like this coming presidents weekend, most of us wake up late, and sometimes it is too late to daven shacharis at the right time. i know that if you miss shacharis by accident, you have to daven 2 shmoneh esrehs during mincha. however, i was wondering what the exact rules are. for example, do you daven ashrei and then say two consecutive shmoneh esrehs? do you say aleinu in between them? also, is waking up too late by accident, or should you daven at noon if that is when you wake up? is this also considered "by accident" if technically it could be avoided? thanks in advance for the response!!

And she didn't even know how much of a vacation it would be!  Thankfully we just discussed this last month.  See here.

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