Monday, January 11, 2010

Dreaming of an Answer to Our Question

Rachel Friedman incorporates many of our favorite subjects into her suggestion:

I think the shiur Rabbi Adler gave us last shabbos (on torahton) could answer the question about Yosef's dreams not being fulfilled. According to Rabbi Adler, who I believe quoted the Rav, it was in fact not God's or Ya'akovs plan for Yosef's dreams to be fulfilled, as is evident from this weeks parsha, when Ya'akov gives Yehuda, not Yosef ,the bracha of melucha (lo yasur shevet m'yehuda). This could be, as Rabbi Adler presented, because while Yosef was a chassid meula and always acted righteously, Yehuda was a more practical role model in that he made mistakes and was able to admit and learn from them. In any event, Yosef's dreams weren't fulfilled because they weren't supposed to be - while he enjoyed the temporary pleasure of leadership, the melucha ultimately did not go to his shevet.

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