Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Alphabetical Parsha Challenge: פרשת בראשית

Look for these questions every week on Thursdays on the blog and in hardcopy in Maayanot.  Learn through the parsha to find the answers.  Anyone who fills in all the answers and submits a completed questionnaire on Monday will be entered into a raffle for a small prize which will be held every other week. You are welcome and encouraged to discuss the questions with your family at the Shabbos table, answer them on your own, or together with a friend.  The key is to open up the Chumash and learn the parsha while looking for the answers!  

Each of the answers to the questions below is a Hebrew word or phrase beginning with א and proceeding through the alphabet in the order of the א-ב.  See how many you know offhand, and learn through the parsha to find the rest.  Happy learning!

א  What was created on the first day?
ב Man is special because he was created "____ _____"
ג What was the name of one of the 4 rivers that came out from גן עדן?
ד What will grow from the ground as a result of the curse that אדם got after he ate from the עץ הדעת?
ה What answer did קין give Hashem when Hashem asked him where הבל was?
ו The phrase that is repeated on יום שלישי which appears only once on most other days is …?
ז What was found in ארץ החוילה?
ח What did אדם & חוה make for themselves after they ate from the עץ הדעת?
ט When Hashem looked at the world at the end of the 6th day, what was His evaluation of it?
י What is the first statement that Hashem makes in the Torah?
כ What did Hashem make for אדם & חוה to clothe them?
ל What did Hashem call the חושך?
מ What is the name of the person with the longest lifespan?
נ What was קין’s punishment?  He will be….
ס Fill in the missing words: "זה ___ _____ אדם, ביום ברא אלקים אדם..."
ע What is the word that is used to describe the נחש?
פ What was the b’racha that Hashem gave to the fish and birds?
צ What was the name of one of the wives of למך?  (Not עדה)
ק What was the name of אדם’s oldest child?
ר What divided the upper waters from the lower waters?
ש What was the name of אדם & חוה’s third son?
 What did Hashem cause to fall upon אדם right before He created חוה?

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