Sunday, March 25, 2012

More on Starbucks

Seeing Mrs. Block's post on Starbucks, and especially in light of the fascination my Freshman Gemara class with my own coffee habits, I wanted to chime in.  On the other hand, there are still two juniors who are doing their project for Hilchot Kashrut class on this exact topic, so I don't want to do all of their homework for them.  Here are some sources for further review:

  • The CRC out of Chicago recommends avoiding almost all products at full service Starbucks stores, but is lenient regarding kiosk-type stores.
  • Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz is more lenient regarding the full service stores, but listen for details.  A quick word on this and other of his shiurim: Rabbi Lebowitz has a series of ten-minute shiurim on a wealth of topics that allows you to gain a real (if second hand and somewhat superficial) understanding for the minimal investment of just ten minutes - highly recommended.
  • I found a website devoted to the kashrus status of Starbucks.  It allows you to enter in your kashrut criteria, which you should get from your own posek, and then adapts it to the facts as they are in Starbucks.  I can't vouch for their reliability, but at first glance it seems like they know what they are talking about.
  • My understanding after a conversation with the OU a while back is that it depends on different types of dishwashers in different stores, but I need to refresh my memory before restating it authoritatively.
In the end, happy drinking and be careful out there.

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