Monday, November 29, 2010

Mishna Berura Yomi Begins NOW!

For those of you that may not be aware, the new cycle of Mishna Berura Yomi just began on Fri. Nov. 26. Those following the Mishna Berura Yomi cycle learn an amud of Mishna Berura a day (or a daf for those who are slightly more ambitious) and will finish the learning the entire Shulchan Aruch and Rema on Orech Chayim along with the entire Mishna Berura in under five years. This should take only about 15-20 minutes a day! What’s nice about following the Mishna Berura Yomi cycle is that whenever there is a chag the Shulchan Aruch on that chag is incorporated into the cycle. So for example, over Channuka and Pesach those topics are studied.

If you go to you will find a website dedicated to Mishna Berura Yomi, complete with calendars, audio and written shiurim on the daily amud. Even if you are a few days behind, tomorrow, 11/29, they begin Hilchot Channuka and if you follow their schedule you will learn the first two Simanim in Hilchot Channuka by the end of Channuka!

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