Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tisha B'Av and the Arch of Titus

What I find powerful about Tisha b'Av, is the dual nature of the day. On one hand, we start off at night with intense aveilut (mourning), reading Eicha, sitting on the floor, which continues through the morning. Then, at chatzot, we get up and sit on chairs, we greet people, and there is a relaxing of the aveilut. At this point, we are focusing our emotions and thoughts to the future, hoping for the day where we will experience geulah sheleimah, and be able to see Tisha b'Av as a holiday and a moed. This video below is from yesterday, where the chief general of the IDF traveled to Rome and spoke under the Arch of Titus, showing that despite the image on the arch of the Romans of the Jews being led into exile, today we have returned to our land and can state that despite all odds "Am Israel Chai". Obviously we are still in galut and have a long way to go, but this video provide a little bit of nechama on this sad day.


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