Friday, April 2, 2010

Pesach Publications

These first days of Pesach left me with very limited internet access, so while going through blog withdrawal I had a chance to read some of the Pesach collections of divrei Torah that we often discuss here.
  • I found this issue of Maayanei Torah especially good.  Some highlights included Mrs. Kraft's insightful extension of a beautiful idea of the Rav, a great and nostalgia-inducing משל by Tamar Berger, and a wonderful and practical article by Tziporah Leiser and Tali Spier, which reminds us of the extraordinary material that freshmen have been contributing all year.  Yasher koach to editor (and writer, and writer) Talia Friedman for a phenomenal year of הרבצת תורה.
  • In the YU Pesach To Go referenced by Mrs. Sinensky below, it was excellent and fascinating as usual.  Mrs. Knoll provided a great shiur about the fundamental nature of the prohibition of חמץ (with a title that makes the blog proud).  (Can anyone find the other member of the Maayanot extended family who contributed?)  Mrs. Yael Lebowitz gave a new (to me at least) perspective on the relationship between Moshe and his people.  I don't think all of her proofs were equally effective, there was more than enough there to support her thesis.  Rabbi Yonason Sacks (not the lord one) gives us a comprehensive analysis of the laws of סיפור יציאת מצרים. For the Rabbi Lamm lead-off spot, they switched formats, and gave some passages from his newly published Hagadah.  While they were of course very enjoyable reading (as were the other parts of the Hagadah that I got to), I prefer the full reproduction of an old derasha of his, as they have done in the past.

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