Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our First Comment!

I posted this under the original post, but by now I wonder if anyone will see it, so I'm putting it here as its own post. Remember, you can comment by e-mailing Please let us know if we can post it with your name.

A pircha between hillel's situation and modern day America, is that the goal today is to "fix" the American economy, and so the solution needs to address the sources the crisis. Simply “bailing out wall street” can not be the only action taken for a long term solution. Hillel was forced to do what he did - there was no way to really address the root of the problem.

It is interesting that article raises how Hillel's solution and today's bailout are not "ideal" and were only instituted to be pragmatic. This reminds me of the gemara we did in your class, where Rava paskins that a “rodef achar rodef” is patur from paying for anything he might have damaged while chasing the rodef, because if he were to be chayav, people would not want to stop a rodef. I love when the Halacha accomadates for us being human. To me it really shows the greatness of the halachic system.

-Aviva Novick

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