Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brachah on Crispix

Another question from Rivka:

What ברכה do you say on Chex, since the 2 sides are technically 2 different ברכות?

First, I assume you mean Crispix, which is half rice & half corn, please let me know if I'm wrong. Generally for mezonos issues, it's easy. Anything with even a minority of the five major grains gets a mezonos (כל שיש בו...). However, even though we make a mezonos on rice, it is not one of those grains. The next thing we would do in a mixture is to see which is the majority, but over here it is really half & half (see story below), so the common recommendation is to make a mezonos on the rice side, take a bite from there & then make a ha'adama on the corn side.

Rabbi Eliyahu Soloveichik (a Rebbe at Landers College and the son of Rav Aharon Soloveichik)was once researching this question, and called the company and asked for the precise proportion of the two sides of the Crispix. The receptionist to whom he asked the question placed him on hold to go ask her supervisor. After a few moments she returned and said "You should make two blessings".

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