Friday, February 28, 2014

Alphabetical Parsha Challenge: פרשת פקודי

א Who was the person in charge of overseeing the work that the families of the לויים had to do with building and dismantling the Mishkan in the midbar?
ב These were made from תכלת, ארגמן, תולעת השני:
ג The Torah says that the weight of the silver that was donated was בקע ל           , for each of 603,550 men.
ד אהליאב בן אחיסמך, the assistant artisan of the Mishkan, was from which tribe?
ה What happened on the first day of the first month of the second year of בני ישראל leaving Mitzrayim?
ו The majority of the silver went to make the אדנים, but the rest of the silver went to make smaller items, such as the:
ז The אפוד was woven from different colors of wool, from linen and from ________
ח What was the description of אהליאב’s talents?
ט The חושן contained gems arranged in four ______.
י All of these (and there were quite a number of them) were made from נחושת
כ Where were the אבני שהם worn, which had engraved upon them the names of the 12 shevatim?
ל What was placed on the שולחן in the Mishkan?
מ The שולחן was located in the Mishkan opposite this:
נ On what side of the Mishkan was the menorah placed?
ס This was one of the gems that was found in the חושן:
ע After Moshe finished setting up the Mishkan, what covered the Mishkan?
פ These were attached to the hems of the מעיל:
צ On what were the words קדש לה' engraved?
ק What was offered on the מזבח הזהב?
ר These were also attached to the hems of the מעיל:
ש The כתונת, the מכנסים and the מצנפת (for the Kohen gadol) or מגבעת (for regular kohanim) were all made of only this:
ת One of the covers of the Mishkan was made of skins from this animal:

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