Friday, October 25, 2013

Alphabetical Parsha Challenge: פרשת חיי-שרה

א Where did אברהם’s servant go to find a wife for יצחק?
ב Whom did אברהם approach to buy a burial place for שרה?
ג When speaking to the people about buying a burial place, אברהם refers to himself as a _______________
ד One of אברהם’s grandchildren from his wife קטורה:
ה Who was שרה’s Egyptian handmaid?
ו רבקה’s family blessed her by saying, "אחתנו את היי לאלפי רבבה __________________ את שער שנאיו"
ז אברהם’s servant is described as ______________________
ח One of the children of ישמעאל:
ט Rivka’s appearance is described as _____________________
י אברהם’s servant makes an oath to him by placing his hand under אברהם’s _____________
כ אברהם did not want his son to marry a woman from ______________
ל Who ran out from the house to greet אברהם’s servant at the well?
מ How old was שרה when she died?
נ One of the gifts which אליעזר gave רבקה:
ס אברהם paid for מערת המכפלה and the field it was in with 400 silver shekel "עבר ל_____"
ע Which individual owned the specific burial place that אברהם wanted to buy?
פ Although אברהם gave all that he owned to יצחק, he still gave presents to the children of his ___________
צ When רבקה saw יצחק for the first time, she covered herself with this:
ק Where did שרה die?
ר Which girl was chosen as a wife for יצחק?
ש How many princes of nations descended from ישמעאל?
ת What did רבקה’s family provide for the camels of אברהם?

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