Friday, April 22, 2011

Chol Hamoed - Not just Chol

Just a quick reminder that chol hamoed days are not just days that, to quote my 3 year old son "are still Pesach, but you can do muktza."  Let's even set aside his use of the colloquial, erroneous use of "muktza" for "melacha", the bigger point is that there are real איסורי מלאכה on chol hamoed.  Here is a blog post (I'm not otherwise familiar with the blog, but it seems like a good summary of a Shiur by Rabbi Simon) outlining some of the details.  Some of the more relevant issues that should be avoided unless explored are any hard labor and writing (not typing - hope you weren't expecting those tests back too soon - it's 2 weeks of class time, right?).  Shaving (see here for a good article on the subject by Rabbi Jachter) is controversial.  Laundry, hair and nail cutting are generally prohibited.  Great Adventure trips are OK.

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