Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sukkah City!

Today, I went with some friends to the "Sukkah City" exhibit at Union Square in the city. "Sukkah City" is an art/architecture exhibit, where on display are the finalists from a competition to build the most unique Sukkah possible.

The Sukkot were all pretty wacky looking but are apparently all kosher and were all built with a rabbi employed to answer any questions the competitors had about the material they were using. My favorite one was a log balanced on 2.5 glass walls (see attached picture), though I don't know how safe I would feel eating under a giant log (though my engineer friends have reassured me that it wouldn't fall).

Anyways, the exhibit is still up until tomorrow night, so I encourage you to brush up on your Mishnayot Sukkah and go if you can. Alternatively, a less artsy - more traditional exhibit of different types of Sukkot can be found all year round in Israel at Neot Kedumim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

almost none were kosher succahs, check it out