Sunday, October 25, 2009

Post-Wedding Thoughts

I was at a wedding tonight, and during the singing of "im eshkachech Yerushalayim" I began thinking to myself: How often, besides for on Tisha B'Av and at weddings, do I spend a few quiet moments thinking about Yerushalayim? The Shulchan Aruch notes a number of "zecher l'Churban" practices, including tearing kriah when we see Yerushalayim, and leaving a corner of our homes unpainted. However, these things do not necessarily help us consistently to remember Yerushalayim and its centrality to Jewish communal and religious life. There is, however, a bracha that we say in Shmoneh Esreh twice (or three times) a day about Yerushalayim. I hope we can use this as our daily/twice daily reminder to think about Yerushalayim, and not just leave it for the once-in-a-while weddings!

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