Friday, September 25, 2009

Observing yom tov sheni In Israel when you are there for the year

Since I'm (about to) spend[ing] the year in Israel, the question of whether or not I should keep 2 days of yom tov or one has come up. I probably will ask my rebbeim at Nishmat, but I was just wondering what your opinion is on this issue. - Aviva Novick

Rav Aharon Lichtenstein of Yeshivat Har Etzion always told my husband and me that the (colloquial) "day and a half" option is most correct for people who have not made aliyah, even if they will be there for the year. That means tefila of chol, but observing issur melacha and tchum Shabbat. Hence, one may get a ride within the tchum from an Israeli, or benefit from the melacha of an Israeli who is permitted to do melacha. It is an odd state of in-between, but it does allow the galut Jew to participate in some limited forms of chol hamoed activity on yom tov sheni, at the same time that one acknowledges one's status as a visitor from galut and not a permanent resident of the land of Israel. The advice of your rebbeim in the program you attend is probably a good option for you to follow. Shalom, and Gmar Chatima Tova, Rookie Billet

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