Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hilchot Tefilla

Atara Staiman asks:

If I am still davening my personal Amidah and the chazzan starts his chazarat hashatz, am i supposed to stop for kedusha when he gets up to it? should i join in and sing with everyone? can i continue davening to myself?

If you are in the middle of Shmoneh Esrei, don't say anything. Stop davening and listen intently to kedusha until it is complete, and then resume your tefilla. If you are at the end - you have already said the "Y'hyu l'ratzon imrei fi" before "Elokai neshama" (which is really the end of Shmoneh Esrei - that's why we can stick in the vidui on Yom Kippur), you should answer kedusha with the tzibbur, and then conclude Shmoneh Esrei.

Good, practical question. Yasher koach.

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